Straightforward advice from the criminal defence experts
Sarah Tricarico Lawyers Pty Ltd Lawyers offers specialist criminal defence services across Australia in all jurisdictions. We care about justice, human rights, and giving you the best criminal defence – regardless of whether it’s a minor or major matter you’re facing.
Available whenever you need us (and we really mean, whenever)
Always on hand to offer expert advice for all criminal matters, Sarah Tricarico Lawyers Pty Ltd is the team you want by your side. We can be there at any time, as quick as you need us with our 24/7 emergency criminal law service.
530 Little Collins St,
Mon - Fri
(9:00 am - 05:00 pm)
Across Australia
We can defend you against any criminal offence, in any jurisdiction
S arah Tricarico Lawyers Pty Ltd is a private practice offering expert advice and defence, specialising in: STATE OFFENCES and COMMONWEALTH OFFENCES
We will give you straightforward advice and always with your best interests at heart.
We are a private practice lead by highly motivated, competent and compassionate lawyers who always strive for justice.
we offer a simple process from start to finish so you’re clear on what’s ahead of you.